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Donate to Democratic candidate Adam Frisch.

Donate to Palmer Report.

Let’s all take a moment to be thankful for how stupid Trump and his remaining henchmen are. The My Pillow guy typed up a secret plan for insurrection, but then carelessly allowed it to be photographed by reporters? This means Donald Trump is back in the insurrection game, even if only in his mind. Mike…

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Earlier today the news broke that the Manhattan District Attorney had expanded his criminal investigation into Donald Trump to include his Westchester golf resort. This is notable because the DA has had a widely documented grand jury in the process of indicting Trump for at least a year, and we keep seeing signs that it’s…

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President-elect Joe Biden is still five days away from taking office, but he’s already laying out how he plans to hit the ground running and pull America out of the abyss. During a press conference this afternoon, Biden confirmed that on day one he’ll invoke the Defense Production Act in order to accelerate the manufacture…

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