Donald Trump and the My Pillow guy scramble after getting caught in the act

Earlier today the Washington Post published a photo showing My Pillow guy Mike Lindell entering the Oval Office while carrying typed notes that included phrases like “insurrection act” and “martial law” and appeared to involve installing some of Trump’s shadiest loyalists into key positions in places like the CIA.

This set off all the alarms, for obvious reasons. Now both sides are scrambling to play down what happened. For instance, the Trump regime is now leaking to the New York Times that Lindell supposedly couldn’t convince Trump of anything, and that Lindell was just sort of passed around among various personnel who weren’t taking his list seriously. And now Lindell is claiming that his notes didn’t actually contain the words “martial law” – a curious claim given what can be seen in the original photo of the notes.

Trump wasn’t going to be able to pull off something like martial law anyway, because he’s not even close to having that kind of muscle at this point. Trump is reduced to inciting bottom feeding goons to carry out aimless violence, not anything resembling a high level plan. But even if there was a chance, getting caught in the act like this was a bad idea, because it’s difficult to carry out a secret evil plan once you’ve forfeited the element of surprise.

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