Martial law?

Donald Trump met with the My Pillow guy today, who was photographed carrying a checklist that included “martial law” among other fantasies. All you really need to know is that Trump is now reduced to using the My Pillow guy as his last best hope.

If Trump wants to wake up tomorrow morning and try to invoke “martial law” then so be it. Not only does he lack the muscle to even come close to being able to invoke it, it’s probably the only thing at this point that would ensure he’s removed from office by tomorrow night.

When Trump incited something last week, it did far more harm to him than it did to America. His financial house of cards is now in ruins. His future consists of nonstop criminal charges until he ends up in a cage. If Trump manages to incite something else over the next five days, it’ll only serve to shatter his life even further.

I will not cower to Donald Trump. Doing so would only give him power that he doesn’t have. No matter what happens over this five day period, Trump will be powerless at the end of it, his life in ruins, wishing he’d never run for office to begin with. And America will still stand.

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