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Donate to Democratic candidate Adam Frisch.

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Palmer Report explained all along why a government shutdown was unlikely, even as the major media outlets all insisted a shutdown was “inevitable.” Sure enough, there was no shutdown. This is why you read Palmer Report. And unlike a lot of the major media outlets, all of our content is available to you for free.…

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Why is Donald Trump talking about being eaten alive by a shark? Has he fallen THAT far where his favorite topic of conversation is — Jaws? The answer to that question is yes, he has. And Trump, speaking in Iowa, mused for a relatively long period about getting stuck out at sea with — Jaws.…

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Palmer Report explained all along why a government shutdown was unlikely, even as the major media outlets all insisted a shutdown was “inevitable.” Sure enough, there was no shutdown. This is why you read Palmer Report. And unlike a lot of the major media outlets, all of our content is available to you for free.…

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