Things just took a super ugly turn for Matt Gaetz and Kevin McCarthy

As a new day dawns and we prepare to welcome a new week in politics, this particular week promises to hold some drama. This is because of two people whose personal enmity does not seem like it can be quenched. This is the battle of evermore. This is the battle of Matt Gaetz and Kevin McCarthy.

So we know the two absolutely loathe each other. And good things do not usually come to those who hate — as we have seen. Matt Gaetz wants McCarthy out — still. He is saying so. He has appeared on television to say so. He has skulked Capitol Hill, saying so. He has hovered in Capitol bathrooms to say so. Matt Gaetz is on a quest to win this war he’s in with Kevin, and nothing — absolutely nothing — will stop him from trying.

However, Kevin is fighting back perhaps a LITTLE harder than I’d have thought he would. And Gaetz certainly has a problem . This problem is that nobody else wants to be a Speaker.

Oh, we’ve heard talk that a few people are, or might be, interested. But we really have no way of knowing if that is the truth. And this is such a thankless job — would YOU take it?

And there are also muffled murmurs that SOME in the House want to get rid of someone — only it’s not Kevin, it is Gaetz himself. Some House members are fed up with Gaetz and his teenage antics, and they want him gone. So when you add all this up, the arithmetic is bad for both cowards. Gaetz wants to punish Kevin. House members want to punish Gaetz.

The whole house is falling apart, and there are few to pick up the broken pieces because everybody is furious at everybody else, and the house is sinking quicker than someone stuck in quicksand.

This wholly inappropriate, teen-like, pathetic behavior is rising to be front and center. Forget about getting anything done! The war between Kev and Mattie has taken over almost every Republican talking point, and though Republicans are TRYING to bring it back to Hunter Biden, it’s simply not working for them.

Nothing is working, in part due to their crazy antics that keep on keeping on, leaving the Republican party a broken, twisted, ripped apart mess.

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