Donald Trump is walking right into a trap

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Many have questioned why Donald Trump has yet to be thrown in the slammer. To that, I respond: patience. Patience is a virtue. See how it paid off when we waited, with delicious patience, for Donald Trump to be indicted — four times?

When one throws a former President (ick) behind bars, one must do it right. And Joyce Vance has a theory which is patience. Vance thinks Judge Chutkan is purposefully letting Trump build his house of doom — one outburst at a time.

Chutkan will have a hearing about all this and that will happen in mid-October — October 16, to be exact. Second, Vance has suggested Chutkan is “testing” the traitor, carefully and watchfully waiting for him to continue to go on the warpath.

“Looks like she’s giving Trump enough time to either conform his behavior or provide an air-tight justification for imposing restrictions.”

This theory is most likely true. If Trump is thrown in jail before any trial, it must be only after every chance was given for him to act —- well — human. So far, Mr. Trump flunking that test.

And I still see prison bars in Trump’s future before any trial. The reason? A malignant narcissist, let alone THE malignant narcissist, can’t see through their disease. They cannot adapt. They cannot live by society’s rules, and with Donald Trump, that fact has never been more apparent.

There will come a time when Trump, already rubbing elbows with doom, will go too far. He’s close now, and I believe Judge Chutkan knows it. I believe in this approach because it’s the ultimate in good faith.

Trump is no more capable of passing this test than he would be of finding any goodness inside that cold and leaden machine that’s supposed to be his soul. Patience is winning for us. This will be just one more test that Trump flunks.

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