Donald Trump stays up all night having completely bonkers meltdown

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After the day that Donald Trump just had, you’d think he’d want to get it over with already. Instead Trump has been up all night ranting and raving like a lunatic. It’s two in the morning local time for Trump, and he’s still at it.

Trump seems particularly upset by, of all things, late night talk show hosts. He’s accusing them all of being “CREEPS” and “True LOSERS!!!” He’s actually made multiple posts attacking the “poorly rated and not at all funny Late Night Talk Shows.” The kicker is that he doesn’t seem to understand why all of the talk show hosts think he’s a joke.

Lest you think Trump is only ticked off at late night talk show hosts, he’s also ranting and raving about his civil fraud trial. Even though Monday’s trial proceedings went horribly for Trump, he’s insisting that the trial is instead “exposing great success.” What does that even mean? Trump surely has no idea.

So there you have it. It’s two in the morning and Donald Trump is still angrily ranting about things big and small, with no end in sight. This is a guy who spent the weekend talking about how he’d rather get electrocuted than eaten by a shark. His life is over and he knows it, and it’s broken what’s left of his brain.

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