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Vladimir Putin’s increasingly paranoid moves could finish him off before anything else

By Bill Palmer | 03/18/2022

These Trump-backed midterm candidates are struggling badly

By Shirley Kennedy | 03/18/2022

Ted Cruz just found a whole new way to make a fool of himself

By Bocha Blue | 03/17/2022

Tucker Carlson, murderer and traitor

By Robert Harrington | 03/17/2022

“Smoking gun” in financial fraud case against Donald Trump

By Ron Leshnower | 03/17/2022

“Judge Jeanine” Pirro crashes and burns on Fox News

By Bocha Blue | 03/17/2022

Donald Trump is actively working to cost the Republicans seats in the midterms as part of his revenge ploy

By Bill Palmer | 03/17/2022

A tale of three speeches

By Bocha Blue | 03/17/2022

There go the Russian airlines

By Jesse Green | 03/17/2022

Donald Trump reportedly came closer to the 25th Amendment than we knew

By Bocha Blue | 03/17/2022


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