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Donate to Democratic candidate Adam Frisch.

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The January 6th Committee public hearings have been nothing short of devastating to Donald Trump and his top allies, in terms of proving them guilty in the court of public opinion, and in terms of laying the groundwork to prove them guilty in a court of law. If anything the public hearings have almost been…

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Based just on the evidence that’s been made public, at this point the odds are seemingly overwhelming that the DOJ will end up criminally indicting Donald Trump. The real question is whether it thinks it can actually convict him on something like seditious conspiracy, or settles for charges like fraud, witness tampering, obstruction of Congress.…

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Although no one involved with the Watergate investigation ever spoke the exact words “Follow the money” (it was mere movie dialogue after the fact), it’s proved so useful to unraveling political coverups over the years, the fictional line has nonetheless become synonymous with how Nixon and his allies were taken down. This brings us to…

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Because we’ve all been watching the January 6th Committee’s legal battles over subpoenas, and the courts tend to handle legal battles over congressional subpoenas in such painfully slow fashion, there’s a mistaken tendency to believe that all subpoenas work like this. But in reality, prosecutorial subpoenas tend to work very differently. We saw this when…

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President Joe Biden and his administration are continuing to take specific action to push back against the Supreme Court’s recent ruling which overturned Roe v. Wade in blatantly unconstitutional and legally incoherent fashion. Biden is now instructing hospitals around the nation to go ahead and perform live-saving abortions, regardless of whatever state law might say.…

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