Donald Trump is hooked

“Riveted.” That is how Donald Trump’s reaction to the January 6 hearings is being described. We knew Trump would be watching these hearings. How could he not? They’re about HIM. Donald Trump isn’t capable of ignoring anything about his most precious love — himself.
The good, the bad, the ugly — Trump wants to see ALL of it. But it’s also being reported that Trump is badgering the crap put of the few friends he has left. How do I come across, the insurrectionist wants to know. How does the public see me? And according to CNN correspondent Kristin Holmes, Trump’s inner circle is concerned that he is “obsessing” over the hearings — and they would like him to focus more on the midterms.
Anyone who thinks Donald J. Trump gives a rat’s ass about the midterms is not living in reality. Trump cares about one thing — himself. I’ve said it before; Trump likely does not give two hoots about who wins the midterms — not really.
These are people he’d sell out in a minute. And Trump is the biggest reality denier of all if he thinks the public sees him as anything other than what he is — a traitor. Sure, there are some Maga groupies out there who will always love him. But the people tuning in to the hearings — for the most part — are not part of that group.
Trump is despised. If he doesn’t know that, he’s further gone than anyone could possibly have imagined.
As for the Republicans, their chances in the midterms have suffered greatly. They’re also not helping themselves by their ominous silence. Very few Republicans are speaking out against Trump. The lambs remain silent — undoubtedly hoping the public will forget. But we never will.
And it’s up to us to ensure they do not grab power again. The rotten bag of apples known as the GOP must be canceled. Then perhaps — only perhaps — they might realize the error of their cowardly ways.