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The coming storm

By Shirley Kennedy | 10/15/2024

Donald Trump’s latest con

By Bocha Blue | 10/15/2024

Score another one for Kamala Harris

By James Sullivan | 10/15/2024

This will come back to bite them

By Bocha Blue | 10/15/2024

Donald Trump begins canceling interviews after flaming out after consecutive dementia episodes

By Bill Palmer | 10/15/2024

Senile Donald Trump gets asked question about Google, gives incoherent answer about Virginia instead

By Bill Palmer | 10/15/2024

Donald Trump really shouldn’t have pissed off Detroit

By Bill Palmer | 10/15/2024

This turns the Senate 2024 majority narrative on its head

By Bocha Blue | 10/15/2024

Oh come on, when is the media going to talk about Donald Trump’s senility?

By Bill Palmer | 10/15/2024

Senile Donald Trump stops town hall after a few questions, insists on standing there listening to music the whole time instead

By Bill Palmer | 10/14/2024


Latest from Bill Palmer

Professor Laurence Tribe: Donald Trump and Mike Pence may both need to be impeached over Russia

By Bill Palmer | 07/13/2017

After meeting with Donald Trump Jr., Kremlin lawyer attended dinner with Republican Congressman

By Bill Palmer | 07/13/2017

Did Donald Trump and Russia rig the Michigan Democratic Primary for Bernie Sanders without his knowledge?

By Bill Palmer | 07/13/2017

Mike Pence may have lied for Michael Flynn to keep it from leading back to his own Russia meetings

By Bill Palmer | 07/13/2017

Donald Trump Jr. had another meeting with Kremlin representatives during the election

By Bill Palmer | 07/13/2017

Donald Trump Jr’s meeting with Russia connected to Trump Tower’s Russian email server

By Bill Palmer | 07/13/2017

Donald Trump Jr. just unwittingly waived his own Fifth Amendment rights in Russia scandal

By Bill Palmer | 07/12/2017

Based on what Donald Trump just said, I think he’s about to confess to conspiring with Russia to rig the election

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Donald Trump caught on video with Donald Trump Jr.’s Russia colluders

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This is really happening: Donald Trump appears to have an imaginary friend named Jim

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Russian puppet Donald Trump is about to be in huge trouble with his Russian puppet masters

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Long dormant Kremlin-connected Twitter account suddenly roars back to life to help Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | 07/12/2017

Mike Pence refuses to deny he met with the Russians

By Bill Palmer | 07/12/2017