
The stakes are high in 2024! Palmer Report has sharply reduced the number of ads to make our content more easily accessible, and we're now a reader supported site. Help Palmer Report succeed by donating $5 or more!

WTF is wrong with Donald Trump? OK—we know some of what’s wrong. He’s a traitor, an insurrectionist, and in cognitive decline. But this is too much even for him. Trump, on Tuesday made a declaration. This declaration — was bizarre in and of itself.

It happened at his rally in Charlotte, North Carolina. Trump declared that people who had committed crimes should not be allowed to run for president. Calling rubber room: we have a new patient.

Trump accused Kamala Harris of committing crimes and then declared she should not be allowed to run for president because people who commit crimes should not be allowed on the ballot. If the word “certifiable” is floating through your head right now, rest assured: you are not alone.

Is the man THAT clueless? Or does he want to exit the race? That second hypothesis would please this writer greatly. Then Trump said these words, giving us Christmas in July. “You’re not,” Trump said profoundly, “You’re not going to teach a criminal not to be a criminal. It’s just not going to happen.”

Thank you, Doctor Trump! And you’re right. So when are you quitting the race? Online people were stunned by this one. I mean, it’s not every day that a criminal says criminals should not be allowed to run for office.

“Irony is lost on the dotard.” Trump gives something away with these words. They show he has not even begun to process the ramifications of the verdicts against him. This is bad, bad, bad. Because Trump WILL go to prison, and if he hasn’t even moved on to the “acceptance” stage, he’s in big trouble.

It’s too bad for Trump that he’s such a moron, but that’s not our fault. I suppose he was born this way. What’s next? Will he say that sexual assaulters should be deported? I agree with that, too.

The stakes are high in 2024! Palmer Report has sharply reduced the number of ads to make our content more easily accessible, and we're now a reader supported site. Help Palmer Report succeed by donating $5 or more!