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DOJ confirms in letter to Congress that it’s indeed investigating Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | 04/12/2022

Nice try, Madison Cawthorn

By Bocha Blue | 04/12/2022

Jimmy Kimmel just destroyed Marjorie Taylor Greene

By Jesse Green | 04/12/2022

Where we fall short

By Ron Leshnower | 04/12/2022

Good news for Liz Cheney, bad news for Trumpublicans

By Bocha Blue | 04/12/2022

So this is what the January 6th Committee public hearings are going to be all about

By Bill Palmer | 04/12/2022

Donald Trump’s Mehmet Oz endorsement is backfiring on him spectacularly

By Bocha Blue | 04/11/2022

This is whacked out even for Donald Trump

By Shirley Kennedy | 04/11/2022

Donald Trump is losing his hold

By Bocha Blue | 04/11/2022

Finishing off Vladimir Putin

By Robert Harrington | 04/11/2022


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