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Photo of Donald Trump suggests he’s in an almost indescribably pathetic condition

By Bill Palmer | 04/17/2022

This just backfired on Vladimir Putin

By Bocha Blue | 04/17/2022

Republican gaslighting

By Robert Harrington | 04/17/2022

The rot from within

By Bocha Blue | 04/17/2022

Nice try, Steve Bannon!

By Bill Palmer | 04/17/2022

Donald Trump’s new shame

By Robert Harrington | 04/16/2022

There’s a war going on between Donald Trump and his remaining advisers

By Bocha Blue | 04/16/2022

This one’s in the books

By Ron Leshnower | 04/16/2022

Greg Abbott forced to cave

By Bocha Blue | 04/16/2022

President Biden and Chuck Schumer are hitting a home run on this one

By Ron Leshnower | 04/16/2022


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