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Get your popcorn: James Comey is insisting that his final Trump-Russia testimony be in public

By Bill Palmer | 05/13/2017

We cannot let Donald Trump nominate John Cornyn as FBI Director, and not for the reason you think

By Bill Palmer | 05/13/2017

Texas SB 6 “Bathroom Bill” is derailed, but Republicans may try again with HB 2899

By Kevin Orr | 05/12/2017

Preet Bharara’s New York replacement Joon Kim is also going hard after Russian money laundering

By Bill Palmer | 05/12/2017

New York authorities are going after Paul Manafort’s financial records to get to Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | 05/12/2017

Did New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman just tweet a veiled threat at Donald Trump?

By Bill Palmer | 05/12/2017

House Intel leader demands Donald Trump turn over secret tapes of FBI Director James Comey

By Bill Palmer | 05/12/2017

FBI Director James Comey confided in James Clapper before having dinner with Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | 05/12/2017

Treasury Department financial crimes unit agrees to turn over Donald Trump’s records to Senate Intel

By Bill Palmer | 05/12/2017

Donald Trump’s bumbling legal action today may have forfeited IRS confidentiality on his tax returns

By Bill Palmer | 05/12/2017


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