After James Comey meeting, Senator confirms “no evidence” Trump Tower was wiretapped

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FBI Director James Comey will have to wait until his the House Intelligence Committee testimony on March 20th before he can publicly shoot down Donald Trump’s false claim that President Obama wiretapped Trump Tower. But after having already unofficially leaked that sentiment to the media over the weekend, Comey was able to officially get his message out through a United States Senator today.

The Congressional “Gang of Eight” requested a meeting with James Comey to discuss Trump’s wiretap claims, who obliged today by meeting with them on Capitol Hill. One of those eight attendees was Democratic Senator Mark Warner, and after the meeting, he told Jordain Carney from The Hill that that he’s still seen “no evidence” that backs up Trump’s claim. This means Comey has now managed to officially if indirectly get his assertion heard that Trump was simply making up the Obama wiretap. But this comes even amid new evidence that the FBI is investigating a Trump Tower email server.

As we posted earlier today, CNN is finally acknowledging the four month old claim from Slate that there was a Russian email server inside Trump Tower. Further, CNN is confirming that the FBI is still investigating the server. This strongly suggests that Trump’s claim of an Obama wiretap of Trump Tower was merely a gross misunderstanding of the FBI’s actual investigation into a Trump Tower computer (which would not have involved Obama or phone wiretaps).

So where does this leave us? We’re still eleven days away from the opening round of the House Intel Committee public hearings on Trump-Russia, whose initial witness roster includes both James Comey and former acting Attorney General Sally Yates. So even as Trump’s latest distraction tactic continues to be debunked, the real truth on Trump’s culpability on Russia inches closer to fully coming out. Contribute to Palmer Report

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Much thanks,
Bill Palmer
Palmer Report