Russian bank accessed Trump Tower’s Russian email server 2800 times during campaign

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CNN has confirmed today that the FBI is still investigating what appears to have been a Russian email server inside Trump Tower during the campaign, and in the process it confirmed a four month old Slate report alleging the server’s existence. But this may just be the beginning of the story, because a number of details about the server – some of which we’ve previously reported – line up with other suspicious aspects of the Trump campaign.

For instance we’ve previously reported that a scientist writing for Daily Kos was able to sleuth out that traffic on the Trump Tower email server spiked while Trump campaign adviser Carter Page was visiting Moscow. And three days after that server was summarily shut down, Page announced that he had quit his role with the campaign.

Had the server been set up so the campaign could communicate with Page while he was in Russia? The Trump campaign now admits it signs off on Page’s Moscow trip. Page has since also admitted to having met with the Russian Ambassador in person in Cleveland during the campaign.

There’s also another bizarre aspect to the story. CNN is now confirming that, as Palmer Report first pieced together a month ago, the Trump Tower email server was set up to only accept traffic from a very small number of internet addresses – and one of them belonged to Spectrum Health, a company controlled by the DeVos family. After Trump won the election he picked Betsy DeVos as his Secretary of Education, despite her total lack of suitability for the job. Were Trump and DeVos connected through ties to Russia, and if so how?

And here’s the part that Donald Trump and his campaign won’t be able to explain away by continuing to pretend it was merely a spam email server: this new CNN report says that the Russian Alfa Bank looked up the internet address of the Trump Tower email server a total of 2,820 times during a five month period during the campaign. That’s an average of around once per hour. It suggests that contact between Trump Tower and the Russian bank was as frequent as it was prolonged. Contribute to Palmer Report

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Much thanks,
Bill Palmer
Palmer Report