Jeffrey Epstein’s lawyers sound the alarm

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Yesterday, the coroner’s office announced what we were all expecting the coroner’s office to announce: it found that Jeffrey Epstein committed suicide, while acknowledging the broken bones in his neck that were more consistent with homicide. Whether you’re accepting this autopsy report as fact or not, suffice it to say that Epstein’s camp is doing no such thing.

Jeffrey Epstein’s lawyers have announced that they’ll conduct their own investigation into how Epstein died, according to CNN. This shouldn’t come as a surprise, considering that they’ve already hired a forensic investigator best known for his role in the OJ trial.

The question is where, if anywhere, this will lead. Epstein’s legal team is citing the numerous suspicious things that went on at the jail, including two guards simultaneously sleeping on the job, and the overall lack of supervision.

Various experts in their respective fields are raising questions about whether Jeffrey Epstein really did commit suicide, and/or if he acted alone. For instance, former federal prosecutor Glenn Kirschner wants to see a toxicology report, while Miami Herald reporter Julie K. Brown doesn’t think Epstein could have committed suicide without help from someone on the inside. We’ll see what Epstein’s lawyers come up with.

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