Rudy Giuliani endorses candidate who doesn’t exist

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Earlier this week Palmer Report brought you the story of how, even after Donald Trump largely sidelined him, Rudy Giuliani has continued to try to be Trump’s biggest cheerleader. The trouble: Giuliani’s tweets suggest he’s so far gone, he sounds like he’s in need of immediate medical attention. Apparently, Rudy took our article as a challenge, because now he’s found a way to top himself.

Late last night Rudy Giuliani took to Twitter and declared that “Don James is running for Senate in Michigan … Vote for Don James.” The trouble: there is no one named “Don James” running for office in Michigan or anywhere else. He was attempting to endorse John James, the Republican candidate in Michigan who’s in severe danger of losing on Tuesday. But it took Rudy fourteen hours to figure that out.

This afternoon, Giuliani finally tweeted “Sorry for the mistake with JOHN JAMES … The tweet was not planned but spontaneous.” Wait, what? So his excuse is that he spontaneously decided to endorse someone who doesn’t exist? Everyone screws these things up on occasion, but with Rudy, it’s part of a frequent pattern. Earlier this year he tried to endorse his own former colleague in the Chicago Mayor race, and repeatedly got the guy’s name wrong.

Rudy Giuliani’s latest Twitter malfunction closely mirrors the recent misadventures of his pal Donald Trump. Earlier this week Trump posted a series of tweets which tagged the wrong people, and he ended up accidentally endorsing everyone from an actor to a mixed martial arts fighter for office; none of them were actually running.

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