Things just keep getting worse for Susan Collins

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Remember back when GOP Senator Susan Collins decided she didn’t want a career anymore, and decided to cast the deciding “yes” vote for screaming maniac and alleged serial sexual assaulter Brett Kavanaugh? Collins hasn’t been in the headlines much lately, partly because Donald Trump has set too many other aspects of America on fire. But things do keep quietly getting worse for Susan Collins – and it’s clear that she’s facing a losing battle in 2020.

Since giving a huge middle finger to all women and to all reasonable Americans, Susan Collins has been trying to go on with her political life like nothing ever happened. For instance, last night she posted a tweet aimed at taking credit for a reduction in veteran homelessness. That’s a hugely important issue, but there’s no reason for Collins to be trying to take credit for it. In any case, that’s not what anyone wanted to talk about.

The responses to Collins’ tweet came fast and furious. In response, Jeane Mounce tweeted “I’m committed to anything that removes you from office in 2020. Your speech at the Kavanaugh vote was an eye opener. I can no longer believe anything you say.” Natalie Reilly called Collins a traitor, and asked, “How much $$$ did you get for your Kavanaugh vote, or was it the gift of the ship yard expansion in Maine?” Comedian Elayne Boosler summed up what we were all thinking: “Yes, but in the end you won’t support it, because supporting it would be the right thing to do.” These responses were typical of about 90% of the feedback Collins received, with almost no one bothering to defend her.

The bottom line: even though she’s out of the headlines for now, no one has forgotten that Susan Collins absolutely must be ousted from office when she’s up for reelection in 2020. Yes, that’s still two years away. But the good news is that a whole lot of Collins’ fellow Republicans, who are up for reelection in 2018, can be ousted in just a few days. Go vote accordingly.

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