Donald Trump panics and hands Jared Kushner to Robert Mueller on a silver platter

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As the summer has turned into the fall and it’s become clear that someone is going down for obstruction of justice in relation to the firing of FBI Director James Comey, we’ve watched Donald Trump and Jared Kushner increasingly try to nudge the scandal in each other’s direction. Trump leaked to the media that he blamed Kushner for it. Kushner provided Special Counsel Robert Mueller documents relating to it. Now Trump is completely throwing Kushner under the bus for it.

Four different sources close to Donald Trump have now told the Wall Street Journal that it was Jared Kushner who pushed for Comey’s firing in order to make the Trump-Russia scandal go away, according to a Newsweek report (link). It’s not difficult to read between the lines here. If these sources close to Trump are telling this story to the media, they’re all telling the same story to Robert Mueller. In other words, Trump’s loyalists are now trying to get Kushner tossed in prison in order to protect Trump.

This is an increasingly bizarre dynamic, considering that these two men are father-in-law and son-in-law, and that they’ve spent the year working together closely in the White House. But neither of them wants to go to prison, and if they’ve concluded that someone is going down for obstruction on the Comey firing, they’d each rather it be the other person. Trump is now clearly going for the kill when it comes to Kushner, with witnesses lined up and everything – but it may backfire.

If Donald Trump and his loyalists do hand Robert Mueller enough evidence to take down Jared Kushner, it could prompt Kushner to decide that his only way out is to formally cut a deal against Trump. The surreal nature of the Trump family eating itself gets stranger by the hour.

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