Robert Mueller quietly but aggressively wheeling and dealing behind the scenes

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It’s been three weeks since Special Counsel Robert Mueller has arrested anyone, leaving the headline-watchers to wonder if perhaps he’s backed off or the Trump-Russia investigation has slowed down. But if you go beyond the headlines and follow the underlying stories, you’ll find that Mueller is actually ramping things up – not down – and that he’s officially on the prowl.

If you want a sense of just how deeply Mueller prefers to operate in secret, consider that federal prisoner Reza Zarrab has gone missing from his own trial for alleged crimes in relation to the government of Turkey, and no one is willing to say where Zarrab has vanished to – not even his own defense attorney. The trial judge doesn’t seem concerned, as he’s simply decided to delay the trial for a week. That’s not a normal reaction when there’s a missing defendant.

It’s not that difficult to piece together that Mueller grabbed up Zarrab to testify in a grand jury convened around Michael Flynn’s alleged crimes involving the government of Turkey. In fact it helps explain why Flynn hasn’t been arrested yet. Just as the headlines suggested Flynn’s arrest was imminent, a new bombshell surfaced asserting that Turkey offered Flynn $15 million to participate in a kidnapping plot against a political dissident in Pennsylvania. In other words, Flynn hasn’t been arrested yet because Mueller has gone back to court to make sure Flynn will be in even deeper shit when those handcuffs are slapped on.

Oh, and if you think Robert Mueller is limiting his focus to Michael Flynn, think again. The Wall Street Journal just reported that Mueller is investigating Jared Kushner’s involvement in a United Nations vote, and as per usual, no one can quite figure out why. Mueller is on the prowl, targeting everyone in Donald Trump’s orbit for everything under the sun – he just prefers to work under cover of darkness. Contribute to Palmer Report

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