House Republicans are getting their comeuppance in real time

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Here’s all you really need to know about just how poorly things are going for House Republicans. On Wednesday they held a press conference so they could randomly and generically accuse President Biden (without any evidence) of a financial scandal. While this press conference was playing out – which no one was going to pay attention to anyway – House Republican George Santos was busy being arrested and arraigned for an actual financial scandal.

Wednesday’s degree of real time comeuppance was a bit on the nose even for these bumbling House Republicans. But even setting the Santos indictment aside, it’s important to keep in mind that no one cares about anything House Republicans have been saying. They’ve held controversial public hearings that basically no one watched. And they’re probably lucky no one has been watching, because in some of these hearings, House Democrats on these committees have managed to win the day even without majority control.

At this point House Republicans are basically just holding press conference and hearings on whatever phony conspiracy theory Marjorie Taylor Greene or Donald Trump wants them to hold on any given day, and none of it helps House Republicans’ prospects in any way. None of it appeals to moderate voters in the toss up districts that’ll decide the 2024 House majority. None of these fake scandals are even well crafted enough for the mainstream media to show any interest. Gone are the days of persuasive fake scandals like emails and Benghazi. These days no one even cares about the limp fake scandals that House Republicans keep lamely trotting out.

George Santos’ indictment is also bad news for House Republicans in another way. Throughout the entire time the DOJ was investigating this case, issuing subpoenas, and carrying out the grand jury process, not a word of it leaked to the media. No one even knew any of it was happening. It’s a reminder that we don’t know how many other House Republicans could be under DOJ investigation right now – and neither do House Republicans. The ones with criminal scandals should be having trouble sleeping right now.

Regardless of how any of these things specifically play out, the bigger picture of the House Republican calamity is that it’s setting the stage for the Democrats to be in position to win every toss up House race in 2024. It will take effort on your part. You’ll need to donate and volunteer and retweet, and you’ll need to focus on the most competitive races. But the House majority is clearly there for the taking in 2024. And yes, the Democrats have a viable path for keeping the Senate in 2024 as well. Let’s be sure to gear up and fight that winning battle when the time comes.

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Much thanks,
Bill Palmer
Palmer Report