Deer in the headlights

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Donald John Trump is now officially the only ex-president ever to have been found guilty of sexual assault. Well, the man always wanted to be different. And he is most definitely that. And how are his friends in the republican party handling this? Not well.

Allow me, if you will to post some interesting (and vile) responses. You see, everyone is asking hapless Republicans: how do you feel about your leading (even if fake) presidential candidate being found to be a sexual assaulter?

So here are some responses. Perhaps you can comment on which response is the most vile. No doubt it will be difficult to choose:

Senator John Kennedy — “I don’t have anything to say,” the Jack Nicholson from the shining look-alike exclaimed. “I haven’t seen any of it.” Say WHAT?

Marco Rubio — little Marco is angry! “The whole case is a joke,” Rubio tweeted (instead of bible verses for a change).

Senator Bob Marshall of Kansas — “So, I’ve read the headline. That’s all I know about it.” That is a somewhat panicked and very idiotic answer.

Senator Rick Scott of Florida refused to address the situation and instead began ranting and raving about the debt ceiling while undoubtedly hoping no further Trump questions would be asked.

Makes me want to vote for him twice, a brainless Tommy Tuberville from Arkansas answered, giving new meaning to the word creep.

But he’s appealing the verdict, insisted West Virginia’s Shelley Moore Capito bringing denial to exciting new levels.

Mike Pence says he’s doubtful voters will really care, scoring yet more points for ignorant answers and showing all of us again why his presidential run is over before it begins.

Senator Steve Daines of Montana put the Kentucky Derby horses to shame with how swiftly he moved to get away from reporters when asked the question, which he never did answer.

As you can see — Republicans have no idea WHAT to say about Trump’s sexual assault case as they have no idea what to say about anything, anytime.

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