
Donald Trump is getting laughed off the stage

By Bocha Blue | 06/16/2024

A grief recalled

By Robert Harrington | 06/16/2024

Donald Trump’s cheese slides off his cracker

By Bocha Blue | 06/16/2024

Donald Trump craps the bed over Father’s Day

By Bill Palmer | 06/16/2024

I need your help

By Bill Palmer | 06/16/2024

Senile Donald Trump brags about how he’s going to take audience questions and then forgets to take any questions

By Bill Palmer | 06/16/2024

Donald Trump’s handlers hit the panic button over upcoming debate

By Bocha Blue | 06/16/2024

Trump’s trial is over. Now what?

By Bill Palmer | 06/16/2024

Senile Donald Trump can’t even recall the doctor who gave him his cognitive test

By Bill Palmer | 06/16/2024

Donald Trump’s sea of insanity

By Bocha Blue | 06/15/2024


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Republican Electoral College member from Texas says he’s voting against Donald Trump

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With Michigan hand recount underway, Jill Stein focuses on “blank” ballots in Detroit

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New Yorkers: Jill Stein to hold recount protest outside Trump Tower on Monday morning

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Pennsylvania officials caught price-gouging voters who try to fill out recount affidavits

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Wisconsin recount observer says Waukesha County is double-counting Donald Trump votes

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