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Three sources confirm Donald Trump’s Pee Pee Tape

By Bill Palmer | 09/03/2017

Donald Trump’s latest Russia lawyer finds new way to embarrass himself even worse than Trump’s other lawyers

By Bill Palmer | 09/03/2017

Donald Trump’s rapidly worsening illiteracy points to something far more disconcerting

By Bill Palmer | 09/03/2017

Kremlin says Donald Trump may not get to finish his term in office

By Bill Palmer | 09/03/2017

CNN to Eric Trump: “You guessed wrong”

By Bill Palmer | 09/03/2017

Donald Trump goes off the rails again, invents imaginary word “Hereos” in the middle of the night

By Bill Palmer | 09/03/2017

The real reason Donald Trump is so afraid of John Kelly

By Bill Palmer | 09/03/2017

After Donald Trump fails on his second visit to Texas floods, he’s reduced to trash talking Hillary Clinton

By Bill Palmer | 09/02/2017

Senile Donald Trump “likes” Twitter post that says he’s “not presidential material”

By Bill Palmer | 09/02/2017

Donald Trump goes berserk, lashes out at the few advisers he has left

By Bill Palmer | 09/02/2017


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