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June 5th: Donald Trump’s Day From Hell

By Bill Palmer | 06/06/2017

Is Texas headed into a Special Session over the Bathroom Bill?

By Kevin Orr | 06/06/2017

Reality Winner is an Air Force veteran, she speaks four languages, and her leak makes her a hero

By Bill Palmer | 06/06/2017

Donald Trump’s latest Twitter meltdown sounds like Scarface after he stuck his face in that pile of cocaine

By Bill Palmer | 06/05/2017

Reality Winner paves way for explosive testimony this week by NSA Director in Trump-Russia scandal

By Bill Palmer | 06/05/2017

Today’s arrest of “Reality Winner” confirms Russia rigged the election for Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | 06/05/2017

Kellyanne Conway’s husband calls out Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | 06/05/2017

Sarah Huckabee Sanders stands in for Sean Spicer, blows it even worse

By Bill Palmer | 06/05/2017

Donald Trump caught quoting fake Twitter user who has never tweeted anything

By Bill Palmer | 06/05/2017

Three Arab nations are on the verge of war with each other, and two of them own Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | 06/05/2017


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