Trump-Russia conspirator Alex Oronov dies suspiciously; he lived in Donald Trump’s building

Yet another individual directly involved in Donald Trump’s Russia scandal has dropped dead under suspicious circumstances, and for the first time, the deceased is a United States citizen. Alex Oronov, one of the organizers of a plot that had the Kremlin pressuring Trump to oust the president of the Ukraine, has died. Palmer Report has determined that Oronov lived in Donald Trump’s building.
Alex Oronov was the individual who arranged a meeting between Donald Trump’s attorney Michael Cohen and Trump’s Russian former business partner Felix Sater, with the assistance of Russian-controlled Ukrainian politician Andrey Artemenko. That meeting resulted in Cohen delivering a Kremlin-backed proposal to National Security Adviser Michael Flynn’s office just before he resigned. The plan involved Donald Trump using Russian blackmail to force out the president of Ukraine, so Artemenko could become president and give Crimea to Russia.
Artemenko announced that Oronov is dead, and he blames the death on the plot becoming public knowledge. The implication seems to be that Vladimir Putin and Russia had Oronov killed after he was outed as a conspirator by the media. It turns out Oronov had direct ties to Donald Trump. Business Insider and Talking Points Memo first reported on the fact that Oronov had died. Palmer Report’s own research team has since determined that Oronov lived in the Trump Hollywood building.
Trump Hollywood is a group of condominiums in Hollywood, Florida (not California) that’s controlled by Donald Trump and a real estate partner. According to separate English language and Russian language background searches we’ve conducted, Alex Oronov lived in a condo in Trump Hollywood. Oronov was born in Ukraine while it was part of the Soviet Union. Shortly after the Soviet Union fell, he moved to Florida, ending up in Trump’s building. Oronov is also an in-law of Trump’s personal attorney Michael Cohen, another conspirator in the Ukraine plot.
The timing suggests that Alex Oronov may have been a Kremlin agent or loyalist, and fled after the USSR fell. That would explain why, despite being Ukrainian himself, he was involved in a plot to overthrow the Ukrainian president and hand control back to the Kremlin. In any case, Oronov has been a naturalized United States citizen for twenty years. Up to now, the seven previous people who dropped dead in and around the Trump-Russia scandal had all been Russian citizens. Did Putin finally murder an American citizen? Contribute to Palmer Report