Alex Oronov, organizer of Russia-Ukraine blackmail plan sent to Donald Trump, dies suspiciously

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Yet another key figure in the Trump-Russia scandal has suddenly dropped dead. A meeting was organized between Donald Trump’s attorney Michael Cohen, Russian mafia figure Felix Sater, and Ukrainian traitor Andrii Artemenko. They crafted a Kremlin-backed plan which involved Trump using Russian blackmail to oust the president of the Ukraine. That plan was delivered to Michael Flynn’s just before he resigned. The meeting was organized by Alex Oronov – and now he’s dead.

Alex Oronov was the father in law of Michael Cohen’s brother, making them extended family. Oronov did business in the Ukraine and was connected to Artemenko. It was Artemenko who angrily announced today in an extended Russian-language rant on his Facebook page that Oronov has died. And while he doesn’t say specifically how Oronov died, he directly blames the New York Times article which first exposed the secret plan for causing his death. In other words, he’s vaguely suggesting that Oronov was murdered (perhaps by Vladimir Putin and the Kremlin) as a result of having been publicly exposed.

Talking Points Memo has reported the death of Alex Oronov, who died two days ago. This makes him at least the fourth Trump-Russia conspirator to die during the scandal. In all, seven prominent Russian diplomats and operatives have died since the scandal began. Palmer Report has been documenting a running list, found below.

Sergei Krivov died at the Russian consulate in New York on election day with his skull bashed in. Oleg Erovinkin, a former KGB agent who contributed intel to the Trump-Russia dossier, was found dead in the back of a car. Sergei Mikhailov, another Russian intel agent, was dragged out of a meeting with a bag on his head. See our full list of Russian operatives who have died during the Trump-Russia scandal for the full rundown. Contribute to Palmer Report

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