Donald Trump is waging war against steel and the Steele dossier

As of now, it’s safe to assume that under Trump Inc., our economy that was once influenced by products made of steel, is now influenced by a different type of steel. Most notably, the information found in the Steele dossier.

If you look out the digital window, you can see where Trump’s coal train is taking the American economy: second to Putin’s interests, as outlined in the Steele Dossier. If you put your ear to the tracks, you can hear the cries of Anastasia Vashukevich in the distance guiding the way. If you didn’t hear it, she’s an escort worker currently occupying a jail cell in Thailand, desperately seeking asylum from Russian bad guys. Not only are her cries connected to the Trump-Russia scandal, they’re tied to Trump’s economy, as she claims to work for an international escort service with a home office located in Russia.

This time last year, Newsweek reported that Trump received a number of Trademarks in Mexico including one for his International Escort Business (link). During that same period of time, the Associated Press reported that China had granted Trump “preliminary approval” to 38 trademarks for Trump’s International business interests that also included an escort service (link).

Since the day Donald J. Trump was sworn into office and refused to properly divest his business, it’s safe to say that outside of a few photo ops and his current use of the Presidential seal to sell Trump products instead of America products (link), the current President of the United States is a full time employee working for the interests of Vladimir Putin first, Trump Inc. second and somewhere in the distance you can hear the cries of the American people and a woman named Anastasia Vashukevich screaming for help as the Trump train is headed toward disaster. We can only hope that Anastasia and the rest of America are able to survive the impact of America’s new Steele.

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