Kevin McCarthy just admitted it

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The storm of hate and fury that is MAGA has found a new and fresh person on which to vent their despair and misplaced rage.

That person is Kevin McCarthy.

McCarthy (having a really lousy few weeks, insurrection party, California) did the unthinkable and the unforgivable–at least in the world of MAGA.

He told the truth–for once.

It all started on Fox Non-News. Kevin was speaking with Fox host Bret Baier.

Baier asked McCarthy whether Trump lost the election. Kevin said this: “Joe Biden is the President of the United States.” “He legitimately got elected.”

Could you hear the sound of furniture and dishes being smashed all over the country?

It did not take long. Furious Former guy supporters, seemingly feeling betrayed, took to social media to vent their fears and concerns.


“You will never be House speaker!!” (I agree with them on that one.)



You get the picture, my friends.

Now, I could say kudos to McCarthy, but I won’t. In my opinion, it is way too little, way too late.

I’ve no idea why he suddenly felt the need to admit what all sane individuals have known all along, but it really doesn’t matter.

Of course, it is only a matter of time now until the former guy turns his wrath on McCarthy. And the cult of MAGA, who would most likely do just about anything for their pig of a cult leader, will continue to rant and rave.

As of now, as I write this, the term “Kevin McCarthy folded” is floating about Twitter. It would indeed be nice to make it trend. Anyway, McCarthy seemingly has no idea of the hell he has just unleashed on himself.

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