After Obama gets U.S. drone back from China, Donald Trump tweets “let them keep it!”

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Just hours after the Pentagon announced that China had agreed to return a United States Navy drone it had seized in the South China Sea, an international crisis which was almost certainly caused by Donald Trump’s phone call to the President of Taiwan, an angry Donald Trump jumped onto his controversial Twitter account and may have found a way to make the tense situation even worse.

“Through direct engagement with Chinese authorities, we have secured an understanding that the Chinese will return the U.U.V. to the United States,” the Pentagon announced on Saturday night, as reported by the New York Times. This represented a swift and decisive diplomatic victory for the Obama administration, who appeared to have little trouble convincing the Chinese government to return the stolen property.

This didn’t appear to sit well with Donald Trump, who quickly tweeted the following in response: “We should tell China that we don’t want the drone they stole back.- let them keep it!.” This quickly prompted numerous Twitter users to begin poking fun at Trump for his non-productive tantrum. That included a number of individuals who made fun of Trump for having tweeted the imaginary word “unpresidented” earlier in the day – which he later deleted.

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