This is just ugly for Mike Pompeo

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Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, an enabler and henchman of the previous president, doesn’t seem to be informed when it comes to U.S. history. While it’s a shame given that he’s been both a member of Congress and a member of a presidential cabinet, it’s not all that surprising. The Former Guy, after all, knew nearly nothing about our nation’s history or government, something he held in common with an overwhelming majority of his supporters. Either Pompeo is inadequately informed of our history, or he wants to pretend certain parts of it didn’t happen; it’s likely a combination of the two.

Pompeo is a Christian nationalist who would gladly see our country become a full-blown theocracy, and he’d love to be the leader of that theocracy. He was a member of the U.S. House of Representatives, a secretary of state, and now it seems he hopes to be president one day. There’s no doubt he’d be a dreadful president, as he has authoritarian tendencies and is just a more polished version of the last Republican commander in chief. Pompeo said this week that “we teach that the founding of the United States of America was somehow flawed. It was corrupt. It was racist. That’s really dangerous. It strikes at the very foundations of our country.” Well, our founding wasn’t immaculate, and it was indeed racist. This land was stolen from native peoples and developed with slave labor, all justified with Christianity.

Conservative political analyst Bill Kristol had an apt reply for Pompeo: “The founding document of our government was so inadequate those founders amended it 10 times as soon as it was ratified. It’s been amended 17 additional times since then to correct flaws… Do you even know American history?” Christian nationalists need to stop whitewashing our country’s history and acknowledge that its history is steeped in racism and the marginalization of entire groups of people.

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Much thanks,
Bill Palmer
Palmer Report