Ron DeSantis is in hot water

Governor Ron DeSantis is in hot water again. Spring break seems to be the issue of the day in Miami Beach. And, of course, the blame can be put squarely on the inept Governor.

This weekend, a curfew was put in place in the Miami Beach area. This was because the site is now oversaturated with frolicking spring breakers who want to party. Unfortunately, COVID still abounds, although one would never know it listening to DeSantis.

The area is jammed up with spring breakers who seem to have one goal in mind. And that is being as rowdy as possible. Social distancing does not seem to be on their minds, and the city has descended into chaos as streams of maskless crowds spread out across the city, throwing Miami Beach into a complete state of confusion.

Causeways were shut down. Curfews were imposed. But rebellion by the spring breakers made it particularly difficult. At one point, someone shot a gun into the air. Crowds started throwing cash all over the streets. Spring breakers refused to leave, and the situation grew very tense.

And what is Florida’s Governor doing during this mess? According to Miami-Dade Police Spokesperson Alvaro Zabaleta, he’s not doing much. The Governor seems to be making things worse. Citations and fines have stopped being used because DeSantis ordered that, says Detective Zabaleta.

“We’re no longer issuing emergency citations,” the spokesperson says. “We’re no longer doing it because the Governor pardoned everything.”

Way to go, Ron! At this rate, DeSantis is on track to make the area a COVID target as many of these students undoubtedly have not had the vaccination and will get sick. Does the Governor care? Don’t answer that. We already have our answer.

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