Mary Trump says Donald Trump’s kids are going to flip on him

Mary Trump was on CNN’s Cuomo Prime Time Monday night, speaking about her least favorite uncle, who is getting a lot of attention from prosecutors these days. She thinks he’s just focused on undoing the last election, thinking he can somehow get his power back and use it to stave off prosecutors once again.

Chris Cuomo just doesn’t buy that Trump actually believes the election was stolen or that he could somehow be reinstated. He asks her a silly question, “Is any lie too much for him?” Of course not.

Mary explained the only thing Trump can do is continue to lie. He has no interest in helping the country, the Republican party or anything or anyone other than himself. She believes he may even be telling himself that just retaining his power in the Republican party will ‘trump’ any indictment, so to speak.

Mary believes (same as everyone else who knows him) that Trump would never stand up for his children or protect them in a manner that would require any risk to himself. However, Trump would fully expect his children to protect him, of course. But she does think his children would flip on him to save themselves, given the opportunity. Trump’s criminal behavior has been going on for decades, so she doesn’t believe prosecutors will have any problems proving his knowledge and criminal intent.

I was rather disappointed Cuomo didn’t ask her about that train-wreck of an appearance Trump made last weekend in North Carolina. Mary’s new book, “The Reckoning: Our Nation’s Trauma and Finding a Way to Heal,” is due out August 17th.

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