Josh Hawley just lost

The hate crime bill protecting Asian-Americans has passed in the Senate and will be signed into law. Congratulations to President Joe Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris, and the United States Senate. This is excellent news and shows the power of positive change when everyone works together.

This bill will allow a new position in the United States Justice Department to be created, focusing on hate crimes. The person in this position will have the ability to expedite reviews of potential hate crimes.

The bill will also incorporate grants for state governments and improve data collection on hate crimes. It will also guide the Attorney General and other departments to offer firm best-practice guidelines on how to clamp down on any language that may be hostile or racist in tone when describing the specifics of COVID.

This bill was initially introduced by Senator Mazie Hirono (Democrat-Hawaii). And the legislation’s passage is a significant win for the Democrats and the Asian community.

This bill passed with a vast amount of bi-partisan support. The final vote in the Senate was 94-1. That is rather incredible if you think about it.

And yes, there was one no vote. Whom do you suppose was the lone dissenter?

If you guessed Josh Hawley (Insurrectionist fist pumper-Missouri), you’d be correct. Hawley said this: “It’s just, you know, the ability and power to define crimes, to define incidents going forward, and collect all that data, it just seemed hugely, hugely overboard.”

I’ve no idea what the Senator is talking about but allow me to explain why Hawley voted no and what his statement should have been: “It’s just, you know, I want to be like Trump, and you know, I wanna run in 2024, and you know, I got to oppose anything a Democrat puts forward, and you know.” That would be the truth. Anyway, this is yet another fantastic accomplishment for Democrats. We are winning.

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