Jared Kushner is going through some things

The sentence “Donald Trump and his allies are having a bad week” could likely have been used at pretty much any time in the past few years. This week is certainly no different. After running off to Florida two weeks after inciting a seditious insurrection, Trump has been mostly quiet. While he is scheduled to speak this weekend at CPAC, the place where so-called Christians have apparently forsaken God and chosen Trump as their savior right down to the golden idol, things are not going well for Trump or those around him.

Not that we ever heard him publicly speak that much over the past four years, Jared Kushner had been especially quiet since the November election and through the January 6th attempted coup. Now we see that despite pocketing hundreds of millions of dollars while being paid by American taxpayers to be BFF to murderous dictators, things are not going well for him. It turns out a retail property in Times Square owned by Kushner’s family owned real estate company is very close to foreclosure.

After it was announced that Ivanka was deposed by the Washington DC Attorney General’s investigation into illegally funneling inauguration funds to Trump owned businesses, it turns out that Don Jr. also received similar treatment. Not only that, but Junior is also being investigated by the Manhattan District Attorney’s office along with his daddy for possible tax crimes.

While Trump remains the revered leader of a failing cult, his time to enjoy it is waning. With the Supreme Court allowing Trump’s taxes to be sent to Manhattan D.A. Cy Vance’s grand jury it’s only a matter of time before “Individual-1” is indicted and facing a criminal trial that could put him in prison where he belongs.

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