GOP Senator John Kennedy has “stupid stuff” meltdown

Senator John Kennedy of Louisiana is someone I often avoid writing about for a few reasons. One of those reasons is that even by Political standards, this guy comes out with such absurd statements and exhibits so much bizarre behavior that he really is someone I do not take that seriously.

The other reason is that the sight of him triggers intense thoughts about possible serial killers. So, Kennedy came out with a statement (on Twitter, of course) that is so patently absurd I felt I must share it.

Apparently Kennedy does not much like the infrastructure bill. The reason I know this is because he tweeted about it. And the tweet was this: “If you look up ‘stupid stuff’ in the dictionary, there’s a picture of the $1.2 TRILLION bill.”

This is the guy who recorded an advertisement for the NRA in which he came off as highly psychotic and deeply deranged. There are not going to be any convincing politicians like Kennedy. They’re set in their ways, and their single specific mindset seems to be show derisiveness at ANYTHING the Democrats do.

Kennedy should want this bill because the state he represents, Louisiana — could really use it. The state ranks high on both the national poverty level and poor infrastructure. This bill could sincerely help the state in many different ways.

But Louisiana is another state that appears to be solid red. It hasn’t always been this way. As recently as 2004, Democrats held both of their Senate seats. This was also true at other levels of government. And let us not forget Bill Clinton won the state in his election against Bob Dole.

Sadly, for now, at least, the state appears to be solid red. I wish it were not the case because fools represent Louisiana like Kennedy, who seems hell-bent on playing politics with constituents’ lives than promoting some positive changes.

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