Even Fox News is now running disclaimers against Donald Trump

Fox News ran the following disclaimer in all CAPS while airing Trump’s C-PAC speech Sunday in Dallas, leaving no doubt they are well aware his claims that the election was fraudulently stolen are hogwash, and proving they have grave concerns they will lose pending lawsuits against them, or have to pay some very hefty settlements: “The voting system companies have denied the various allegations made by President Trump and his counsel regarding the 2020 election.”

The disclaimer reportedly ran for about 40 seconds, during which the sorest loser in history spewed his usual tall tales of a fraudulent, stolen election. He even made the ludicrous claim, “We are the majority, and it’s not even close,” causing the clueless audience to rise and chant, “USA.”

Other hilarious moments reportedly included his claim that CPAC is “the greatest political movement in the history of our country”; projecting accusations at Facebook for “election meddling” and wanting to “take everybody down…like a spoiled child”; and concluding his speech with his tired old campaign slogan, “We will make America great again,” while the Village People’s “YMCA” blared — the idiotic ‘blasphemy’ gets me every time. It’s not likely he’ll be staying at the YMCA since his party nights will be behind bars, but his sons might get lucky.

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