Eating our own

A disturbing trend has begun since the election of President Biden and Vice President Harris. Some of the same people who elected them to office have started to complain about fictitious things.
Some of these things include complaints about Majority Leader Chuck Schumer supposedly not being assertive enough, to it somehow being the Democrats’ fault that Merrick Garland has yet to be confirmed, and the COVID-19 relief bill not moving fast enough.
All of these accusations are unfounded but offer a glimpse into a disturbing trend. The phrase “eating our own” has been used to describe the Democrat party. This claim has merit because when people do this stuff, all it achieves is for individuals to lose faith in their leaders who are working hard on their behalf.
Democrats have a history of this, and it is one of the reasons why they lose elections. We do not need to always agree with everything they do. That kind of thinking is for cultists. But we do need to support and encourage them. Biden has not even been in office a month yet. Things move slowly in the political world.
Biden’s entire cabinet will be confirmed soon enough, including Garland. Majority Leader Schumer is winning and will continue to win with our support. The Democrats are doing their best to get us the much-needed financial relief. Would it be nice if these things could move faster? You bet! But that is not how any of this works.
Please keep the faith and continue to support our leaders as they work hard to get stuff done. Don’t be fooled by the clickbait articles. Don’t be fooled by the doomsday scenarios the Television Media lays out. That is what they are paid to do. Remember that we won a hard-fought election and now control the Presidency, the Senate, and the House of Representatives. Nothing will ever be perfect but we have slain the dragon that is Donald Trump and things can only get better from here.