Donald Trump’s life is falling to pieces

It’s frightening to think that even though our great country was on the precipice of disaster for so long, things could have quickly become so much worse. The former guy is evil. And evil people generally like to do as much damage as possible. They want to do this because they’re evil. And their evil knows no limits.

It is being widely reported that the former guy wanted to invoke the Insurrection Act and deploy thousands of troops to shoot protesters on DC streets. He was reportedly talked out of this by General Milley. But let us think about that for a minute.

This is a man who would have happily murdered thousands simply because they had the audacity to exercise their freedom of speech. The former guy has been out of office for a while now, and it seems every day we hear new stories about his evil. This should not surprise us. I’d expect to hear even more stories as days and weeks go forward.

But his evil nature is being paid back with karma. The former guy will most likely see his company indicted this week or very shortly. He is alone, adrift in his evil nature, abandoned by everyone with any sense.

Crowds at his rallies have dwindled. He has no money. He is banned from his precious social media. And don’t even get me started on his appearance.

The former guy looks terrible. He is outwardly wearing the signs of his evil nature. He has no more power, and he knows it.

And as the clock ticks down, the former guy surely knows things are only going to get worse. How could they not? And when they do, he will lose even more of his hangers on-not that there are many left, to begin with. The former guy is evil, alright, and he is about to be paid back for this evil. It will be fun to watch.

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