Big trouble for Ivanka Trump

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There are times when you can lie and get away with it. To ensure that you can, you never put anything in writing or have conversations with others that you hope they forget. Why even bother to lie? We should ask Ivanka Trump because she clearly lied in her deposition regarding the Trumps milking the inauguration committee for money. She either naively thought no one would repeat her words, assumed her trust would never be violated, or she is stupid. Make your own choice.

Former FBI Assistant Director Frank Figliuzzi appeared on MSNBC with Nicolle Wallace and told Wallace that he believes Ivanka “may have perjured herself” when she testified about her non-involvement in her father’s inauguration committee. According to Figliuzzi, Ivanka testified that she had no role in the committee while there are “emails and emails with her on them,” including selecting the menu/catering and hosting events. Figliuzzi told Wallace: “Let’s add her to the list of friends and family caught up in the toxicity.” She is not caught up in it; she is part of it. Ivanka is just as toxic as her father, though she has recently been trying to distance herself from him. It is far too late for that. According to Figliuzzi, Ivanka’s lies about her involvement “could contribute to a prosecutorial narrative that systemic misconduct took place.”

Mother Jones published a copy of Ivanka’s deposition transcript and pointed out the inconsistencies. When the government’s counsel asked Ivanka directly whether she was involved in the inauguration, her response was “no.” The government’s attorney asked Ivanka in several forms, possibly giving her an out that she decided not to take. She asked again, “what was your involvement in the process of planning the inauguration?” Ivanka responded: “Yeah. I didn’t really have an involvement. I mean, I ….” Green then moved on to questions about others who were involved, including Stephanie Winston Wolkoff, but she continued to return to questions about Ivanka’s involvement, which Ivanka repeatedly, adamantly denied. She even became indignant at one point, saying: “I told you I had very limited involvement in anything relating to the inauguration.” Green was setting Ivanka up for the kill, and Ivanka walked right into the trap.

Wolkoff released emails that show Ivanka was up to her neck in the planning process, including working with Rick Gates on the schedule of events. Ivanka ended her email to Gates with: “I am looping in my assistant Suzie who can coordinate a time for us to connect.” Further, Wolkoff wrote Ivanka back to thank her and her husband for meeting with her to discuss “a high-level summary” of the plans for Ivanka’s review. This theme goes on and on, including Wolkoff asking Ivanka if she was still planning to host the “Women’s Entrepreneurs Reception.” All of this sounds more like “very involved” than “not involved.” At best, they have Ivanka on perjury. At worst, she will be emptying her pockets with the rest of the clan to repay their ill-gotten gains. They are all likely wishing their father had never run for president. Had he not, we would never have known the full extent of their grifting activities.

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