Capitol attack mob’s theft of Nancy Pelosi’s laptop takes surreal new twist

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One of Trump’s mob who invaded the U.S. Capitol is now being charged with stealing Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s laptop computer. And in a bizarre new twist, the suspect may be on the run from the FBI while trying to sell the computer to Russia.

According to this morning’s Philadelphia Inquirer: “Federal authorities have obtained an arrest warrant for a Harrisburg woman, Riley June Williams, they suspect may have stolen House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s laptop during the Jan. 6 Capitol siege with the intent of selling the device to Russia’s foreign intelligence services.”

“It appears that Williams has fled,” the FBI affidavit says. According to the FBI, they were contacted by the former lover of Williams, who recognized her in a video shot during the Capitol. He said the video shows Williams taking the computer from Pelosi’s office.

He also said that Williams had told him that she planned to send Pelosi’s computer to a friend of hers in Russia who would then give it to the SVR, the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service.

There is no evidence that Williams’ plan came to fruition, and they believe that she still has possession of Pelosi’s computer. Federal investigators tracked Williams down to her apartment in Harrisburg. But they said she was not there and now they can’t find her.

The FBI affidavit contains photographs of Williams taken during her invasion of the Capitol, which they say positively identify her. Once she is arrested Williams will undoubtedly be asked to give information about her traitorous plan to sell U.S. government information to our enemy. We now seem to have one more piece of evidence showing that Trump and his followers are not really patriots, but may in fact be traitors, and possibly even guilty of treason.

Dear Palmer Report readers, this is an uncertain time so I'm asking for your help. If you can each contribute $5 or $25 or $75 – whatever matches your budget – to help with Palmer Report’s ongoing operating expenses, it’ll help a lot. Thank you so much. Contribute here. Much thanks, Bill Palmer