Bad news for Greg Abbott

Governor Greg Abbott may have a problem. Governor Abbott (Insurrection party-Texas) has been an ineffective and awful Governor. The best thing the good people of Texas can do for themselves would be voting this man out of office.

It’s tough, though. Texas is on its way to trending purple but is not yet fully there. And the Democrats would need a fantastic candidate to challenge Abbott.

Who could do it? How about Governor Matthew McConaughey? Sound crazy? Think again. McConaughey has been asked whether he will mount a campaign, and he has not ruled it out. This would not be the first time a movie star ventured into politics. Arnold Schwarzenegger is an example of that.

And now there is new polling data out. And the information is stunning. It is also not good news at all for Abbott. The poll, conducted by The Dallas Morning News and the University of Texas at Tyler, finds McConaughey leads Abbott in a hypothetical matchup. And he leads by a stunning 12 points.

The results were 45 percent for McConaughey versus 33 percent for Abbott. The poll was conducted April 6-13. The margin of error was plus or minus 2.92 percentage points.

This polling data is important news for Democrats. And while it is possible McConaughey will not run, the poll shows something that should make Abbott’s campaign managers nervous.

This poll shows Abbott does not have deep support. People are looking for a fresh new face. So even if McConaughey DOES NOT run, Abbott can be beaten with the right candidate. It will be tough. But Democrats have never been afraid to do the hard work. If I were Abbott, I would be highly concerned about now.

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