There comes a point in every cliched murder mystery TV show where a suspect gets desperate and says some variation of “Okay, I robbed a few banks but I didn’t kill anyone,” without realizing he just sent himself to prison. But does this kind of thing happen in real life? It does if you’re as…

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Donate to Democratic candidate Adam Frisch.

Donate to Palmer Report.

When House Democrats revealed in early 2021 that they had evidence one or more House Republicans gave Capitol tours the day before the January 6th attack, they didn’t mention any names. This prompted various House Republicans to yell some variation of “not me,” and House Republican Barry Loudermilk even went so far as to file…

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It’s a mystery why various House Republicans are even bothering to deny that they sought Trump pardons. The 1/6 committee and the media wouldn’t be alleging this without either documentation or credible witnesses. The denial arguably makes them look even worse. Accepting a pardon is legally considered an admission of guilt. So perhaps they’re afraid…

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During Thursday night’s January 6th public hearing, we saw video footage of everyone from Bill Barr to Ivanka Trump acknowledging that Donald Trump knew he’d lost the 2020 election. They seemed to want to insulate themselves from Donald’s subsequent actions, by throwing him under the bus. But Jared Kushner’s testimony came off rather differently –…

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The one defendant who went to trial in Steve Bannon’s “build the wall” scam managed to get a mistrial today, after one trial juror exhibited a bizarre pattern of behavior including allegedly sleeping through portions of the trial. This defendant will surely be retried with a new jury, and will very likely be convicted. And…

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January 6th Committee members Jamie Raskin and Liz Cheney have each recently stated that they have evidence proving that Donald Trump didn’t merely incite the Capitol attack, he criminally conspired to make the attack happen. Even as we await this evidence in upcoming public hearings, some of the story is beginning to spill out. It…

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