Looks like more criminal charges are coming against Steve Bannon

Peter Navarro’s indictment and arrest for contempt of Congress on Friday served as a reminder that Steve Bannon is now just weeks away from the start of his own federal criminal trial on contempt of Congress charges. We’ve been waiting to see whether the DOJ will hit Bannon with additional charges ahead of trial. Now it looks like Bannon also has to worry about getting hit with state level criminal charges.

The Manhattan DA’s office now has a grand jury closing in on Steve Bannon for his “build the wall” scam, according to a new CNN report. Donald Trump previously pardoned Bannon on the federal criminal charges he was facing in relation to this scam. But federal pardons don’t apply to state charges. And thanks to New York’s 2019 law which says that people pardoned on federal charges can then be hit with the same charges at the state level, Bannon is in danger of finally going down for the wall scam.

Of course at this point everyone is still trying to figure out why the Manhattan DA’s office decided to punt on bringing criminal charges against Donald Trump. This raises the question of whether the DA is targeting Bannon to try to force him to flip on Trump, which would then make it relatively easy to indict Trump on slam dunk charges that would certainly result in a conviction at trial.

In the meantime, things just keep getting uglier for Steve Bannon. Since his indictment he’s been rather famously running his mouth, making threats, and spewing as much bluster and bravado as possible. But none of that has changed the fact that he’s weeks away from going on criminal trial, and is on track for prison. Now he has to worry about going to state prison once he’s done in federal prison.

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