Rudy Giuliani’s wife dishes on what’s gone wrong with him

Two events in Rudy Giuliani’s life happened in such close proximity earlier this year, it’s long left unanswered questions about how they fit together. In early April we learned that Rudy and his longtime wife Judith Giuliani were abruptly getting divorced. Two weeks later Rudy joined Donald Trump’s criminal defense team, and began behaving in increasingly unhinged fashion while representing Trump. Now Rudy’s ex-wife is finally spelling out what’s gone wrong with him.
Numerous political observers have asked if Rudy Giuliani’s frantic, rambling, eye-bulging, half gibberish rants during television interviews are a sign that his mental faculties are in steep decline โ or if he’s just acting the part in order to help Donald Trump distract from his criminal scandals. Judith Giuliani is telling New York Magazine that Rudy is “dissembling, to put it kindly.” If you’re not familiar with that rarely used word, Merriam-Webster defines “dissemble” this way: “to put on a false appearance : conceal facts, intentions, or feelings under some pretense.” This sounds like a polite way of saying that the formerly straight shooting Rudy is now full of crap.
Interestingly, Judith stressed that the divorce wasn’t so much about Rudy’s affair, so much as the assertion that he’s surrounded by enablers who are all on his payroll, and are therefore “afraid to tell him the truth.” In case she wasn’t being clear enough, Judith then commented on Rudy’s overall condition, saying that “as a spouse and a nurse” she knows that “he has become a different man.” In other words, she’s saying there’s something wrong with him medically, even though she’s not spelling it out.
Interestingly, this Judith Giuliani interview with New York Magazine comes on the same day in which Rudy Giuliani responded to the latest Trump-Russia guilty plea by bugging his eyes out and muttering inaudible words. It’s almost as if he’s proving her argument for her. Rudy recently declared “Truth isn’t truth” during a TV interview, and at one point simply tweeted the word “You” for no apparent reason.
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