Roger Stone goes berserk about Palmer Report

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Earlier today we brought you the story of Roger Stone’s new Instagram post which depicted him holding a gun, and arguably pointing it in the direction of Special Counsel Robert Mueller and Attorney General Jeff Sessions. We asked whether this meant Stone was threatening to murder them, a relevant question considering that Stone’s pal Alex Jones was recently kicked off several platforms for having implied that he was going to shoot Mueller. Suffice it to say that as a result, Roger Stone is not happy with Palmer Report.

After we published our article, Roger Stone posted a stock photo of me to his Instagram account, without any caption or explanation, perhaps suggesting that Palmer Report had left him speechless. But then he later posted what appeared to be a photo of a human turd, along with the caption “Stunning new picture of Bill Palmer of the Palmer Report – the epitome of fake news BS.” We only consider this relevant because it’s the latest evidence that Stone is so rattled by the grand jury proceedings against him, he’s lashing out in every direction.

In recent weeks it’s been widely reported that Special Counsel Robert Mueller has been hauling numerous Roger Stone associates before a grand jury, and asking them about Stone’s involvement with Wikileaks and Russian hackers during the 2016 election. Based on these proceedings, it very much appears that Mueller is closing in on asking the grand jury to indict Stone.

It’s important to point out that only a grand jury can decide whether to indict Roger Stone, although federal grand juries tend to hand down indictments in greater than 99.9% of cases. It would then be up to a trial jury to decide whether or not Stone is guilty. Accordingly, it’s up to Instagram to decide if Stone’s posts are in violation of its terms of service; we have not taken a position on this point. But it’s clear that Roger Stone is now so rattled about what’s happening to him, he’s rather bluntly trying to take it out on the messenger.

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