Donald Trump has late night meltdown after his approval rating numbers go into the toilet

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Donald Trump has never had what you’d call “good” approval rating numbers at any point since he’s taken office. There was a point where he dipped into the mid thirties before rebounding to around forty percent, but he’s always been facing historic depths of unpopularity. Today we got the first major indicator that last week’s plea deals and guilty pleas have indeed sent his approval downward – and tonight Trump began erupting about it.

As Palmer Report explained earlier today, it takes time for new polls to be conducted, and it takes time for bad news to filter out to those Americans who don’t sit around watching political news on a daily basis. Accordingly, only three polls have been released thus far that provide potential insight into how last week’s news is impacting things. The Washington Post / ABC News poll has Trump down from 44% to 36%, while the Economist poll has Trump down from 46% to 43%. Then there’s the infamously illegitimate Rasmussen poll.

We tried to warn you that no matter how bad Donald Trump’s poll numbers might get, he’s still only going to quote the Rasmussen poll, because it’s a laugh-out-loud propaganda poll that always paints Republicans in general – and Trump in particular – of doing far better than they are. Sure enough, just now, Trump tweeted that the Rasmussen poll “just came out at 48% approval rate despite the constant and intense Fake News. Higher than Election Day and higher than President Obama. Rasmussen was one of the most accurate Election Day polls!” This is a lie.

Rasmussen always proves to be the least accurate major poll in any given election cycle. Various polling data analysts have warned against treating it as legitimate data. So of course it’s the only poll that Donald Trump is willing to acknowledge. After Trump quoted Rasmussen, he then began attacking the WaPo / ABC poll, calling it a “suppression poll” – whatever that’s supposed to mean.

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