Where’s Trump?

After Joe Biden spoke on television late last night and expressed confidence in his odds, Donald Trump held his own press conference at nearly 2:30am. He looked and sounded terrible, and his false declaration of victory got him nowhere.

Now Trump has disappeared entirely. When his campaign held a press conference today to promote wacky conspiracy theories, it was led by Eric Trump of all people, with an assist (if you can call it that) from Rudy Giuliani. Donald Trump was nowhere to be found.

Joe Biden spoke to the cameras today to once again express confidence in his odds. But this time Donald Trump failed to counter it. He’s been posting deranged tweets, declaring victory in states he’s on track to lose, but it’s not clear if he or his handlers have written these tweets.

The thing is, Donald Trump has disappeared entirely. It’s not clear if he’s lying low as a strategy, or if he’s too dejected to get into the game, or if he’s physically unwell. In any case, it’s really odd that he sent his idiot son out there this afternoon to hold an election press conference, instead of doing it himself. It’s not how the ever narcissistic Donald Trump usually operates.

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