Donald Trump is crashing and burning

Donald Trump just lost Wisconsin. He’s a few hours away from losing Michigan. Within a day or two, he’ll likely have lost the electoral college. It’s all over for him politically. He knows it too. If he were any other politician, he’d be looking at the best way to concede and go out with some dignity.

Of course Donald Trump isn’t any other politician. First of all, he’s a clinically deranged career criminal, traitor, and mass murderer. Second, when he loses this election, he’s earmarked for prison; it’ll be a matter of whether New York State or the federal government gets him first. He can try to pardon himself on federal charges, but not state charges.

In other words, Trump can’t just concede and walk away. Instead he has to play the fool by chasing a Wisconsin recount he can’t win, tweeting insane false conspiracy theories that Twitter keeps taking down, and ensuring that his legacy is that of a clown who humiliated himself by falsely declaring victory on his way to a clear loss.

The fact that Donald Trump is going to prison if he loses doesn’t mean that his last ditch schemes are somehow going to save him. Instead it means he’s simply going to keep humiliating himself on his way out. It’s a dangerous time for the nation. But it’s an even more dangerous time for Trump, who is now on track to lose everything and go to prison.

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